Town of Saranac

Supervisor Reports

Farewell All

October, 2019

Time flies and this will be the last Supervisor’s report from me. Thank you, Saranac, for four very challenging, rewarding years. I hope in some small way I have helped move our Town forward.

It has been a great experience for me, from working with the Town Board to interacting with other Town Supervisors, especially when the towns of Saranac, Black Brook, Dannemora, and Ellenburg tackled the EMS reorganization problem, a project we are still working on.

Also, working with Clinton County and the rest of the towns on the Shared Services initiative to help keep operational cost down across the county has been rewarding. I am proud of the successful completion of the Standish Water District upgrade. I want to thank everyone who came together to get this project done, especially Liz Tedford, AES Engineering, and Brandon Construction and their subcontractors.

I want to thank people I had the pleasure to work with; dedicated people who do the day-to-day work of the Town of Saranac. Our Maintenance Department is a one-man operation. Rick St. Louis is a cheerful, self-motivated hardworking person who does everything asked, sometimes even before being asked. He willingly helps other departments and is a pleasure to work with.

The Supervisor’s secretary, Patti LaMora, is a wealth of knowledge on Town operations. She is also self-motivated, dedicated, and hardworking. Thank you, Patti, for making my job so much easier.

The Town Assessor, Steve Petrashune, knows his job, does his job. If Steve was not in the office to take your call, he always got back to you as soon as he was available. Steve always answered people’s questions, even when the answers were not what they wanted to hear. When he retires, there will be a large hole to fill.

The Code Enforcement Officer, Todd Perry, is the quiet, unsung manager of our Town’s material growth. Without building permits, there is no progress.

Until there is a problem, very few people know about Martha Chase, the Water District Operator. It is Martha who conducts daily monitoring of the safety of our water systems. Thank you, Martha.

I think that the Park and Recreation Department is the future of the Town. Cullen Coryer and Jaclyn Carter have combined to develop programs to give our children opportunities to participate in almost any outdoor activity you can think of, all great reasons to want to live in Saranac. The participation numbers of all these programs are proof of the success of their vision.

Jaclyn is also the power behind our Web Site.

I also would like to thank our partner, JCEO, and Cindy Waldron, for the good work they do for the Town.

Thank you, Nancy Dow, for keeping our residents informed on Town business.

In Town Law, my only authority over the Highway Department is as a Board member, providing the necessary funds to support their important work. I would be remiss not to point out and thank the hard-working dedicated team who maintain our 95+ miles of roads. The next time you are stuck behind a Saranac Town plow truck, please remember he is out there to keep you safe.

Finally, I want to thank the team that makes up your Town Board. Your Board is one of the reasons why our Town, despite its limited resources and location within the Adirondack Park, is a great place to live and work.

Farewell all.

Author: Nick Carter