Town of Saranac

Supervisor Reports

In Partnerships, We Can Work Together

September, 2014

If it is a role of government to do together what we can’t do by ourselves, the town has offered its hand in partnership with others to present benefits that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred.

I’m encouraged that the Saranac Playgroup has been reestablished. Led by Kara Mullane of Clark Hill Road, pre-kindergarten aged children will once again meet in Town Hall. Please read the related article in this issue of the Town Crier for details.

Scheduled again for this school year is the Community Art Connection. In the past, high school art teacher at Saranac Central School, Noreen Sadue, would select artwork done by students at the school. Those pieces were then featured in Town Hall and the Court House. Between 2006 and 2009 there were nine distinct exhibits of student artwork. Each student artist whose work is displayed this year will receive a letter of appreciation from the town which they could include in any portfolio/resume they may be assembling. 

Many of you have taken advantage of the local farmers market that has started up on the town green off McCutcheon Lane. Thanks to the local people who initiated this undertaking. Led by River Road resident Joe Orefice, the group’s by-laws steered them through a successful first year.

The board has been asked if town hall can be used for a dance class. Board approval has been given and details are being worked out. Perhaps by the time this issue of the Crier is mailed, it will have started.

Not new to Town Hall is the Defensive Driving School taught by Todd Rabideau, of Hardscrabble Road. The next offering will be Saturday, November 1st. In conjunction with the Department of Environmental Conservation, Summit Stewards Mike Terry from Redford and Cheryl Wiley from Wilson Road, have interacted with local and visiting hikers at the highest point in our town, the summit of Lyon Mountain -- which some of us like to call the 47th High Peak.

Improvements at Picketts Corners Park are taking shape. Using a 2009 Department of State Local Waterfront Revitalization Project grant, road drainage is being addressed and a new sidewalk from the driveway entrance to the boat parking area will be constructed. The boat parking area will be paved and local boulders will replace the old 8x8 posts. Also, a master plan for any future park improvements is being drafted.

Now, there will be some of you who will not take part in any of these offerings. To those, I ask that you might consider the Greek proverb which says, “A civilization flourishes when people plant trees under which they will never sit.”

Author: Joe Gerardi